External expert for quality control

External expert for quality control on the project WBCInno

The Committee of University of Kragujevac reviewed received call applications, the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Nis was selected with Prof. Dr. Vera Marković as an external expert for quality control of WBCInno project.
CV – Prof. Dr. Vera Marković
Call for External Expert for Quality Control

First visit of the external monitoring expert to the WBCInno project
WBCInno external monitoring and quality control expert, Prof. Dr. Vera Marković, was present at the 2nd WBCInno Steering Committee Meetings organized in Montenegro (October 2013). During the SC meeting, Prof. Marković monitored the quality of the overall project implementation as well as the quality of specific results. Her findings were presented in the form of external monitoring report available here and on the WBCInno DataStation Platform (https://wbcinno.datastation.com/#/default/projects/taskview/46).
1st External monitoring report

Second visit of the external monitoring expert to the WBCInno project
Within her external monitoring activities, Prof. Dr. Vera Marković participated in the 3rd Steering Committee Meeting held at the University of Alicante, Spain (May 2014). During her visit, Prof. Marković gave her expert opinion on the status and progress of the WBCInno project, as well as the set of recommendations on how to further improve the implementation of the project activities and avoid any possible problems. All these are presented in the external monitoring report, available here and on the WBCInno DataStation Platform (https://wbcinno.datastation.com/#/default/projects/taskview/46).
2nd External monitoring report

Third visit of the external monitoring expert to the WBCInno project
The third report provides an external evaluation of the Workshop ´´Building researchers´ capacities in the area of knowledge transfer, research and innovations´´, held within the frame of the WBCInno TEMPUS project at the University of Kragujevac, Serbia, on September 11-12. This workshop was the first one in the series of five workshops planned to be held as Activity 6.5 of the Workpackage 6: ˝Designing of dissemination and awareness raising mechanisms and the involvement of public and private stakeholders in Triple helix model of innovation˝.
3rd External monitoring report

Fourth visit of the external monitoring expert to the WBCInno project
The fourth monitoring visit to the WBCInno project was realized during the Steering Committee Meeting in Zenica on November 5th - 7th 2014. During her visit, Prof. Marković gave her expert opinion on the status and progress of the WBCInno project, as well as the set of recommendations on how to further improve the implementation of the project activities and avoid any possible problems. The conclusions from the monitoring visit is given in the third monitoring report.
4th External monitoring report

Fifth visit of the external monitoring expert to the WBCInno project
External monitoring assessment and recommendations was presented by WBCInno external expert for quality control, Prof. Vera Marković at the Steering Committee Meeting in Banja Luka, in April 2015. Prof. Marković gave an independent and objective point of view on the project implementation and outcomes. Her findings were presented in the fourth report which gave the insight into the project progress up to end of 2014. It covers two-thirds of the project lifetime. The general conclusion of the external expert was that initially, larger number of activities and outputs were planned for the first half of the project, compared to the second one. Such a workplan leaves enough time to finish, all planned activities until the end of project lifetime.
5th External monitoring report

Sixth visit of the external monitoring expert to the WBCInno project
The sixth monitoring visit to the WBCInno project was realized during the Steering Committee Meeting in Novi Sad on September 15th 2015. During her visit, Prof. Marković gave her expert opinion on the status and progress of the WBCInno project, as well as the set of recommendations on how to further improve the implementation of the project activities and avoid any possible problems. The conclusions from the monitoring visit is given in the third monitoring report.
6th External monitoring report

Seventh visit of the external monitoring expert to the WBCInno project
The seventh monitoring visit to the WBCInno project was realized during the International Conference WBCInno 2015 in Novi Sad on September 18th 2015.
7th External monitoring report